Hazard Identification and Assessment

 “It’s no wonder that many business owners and employers simply do not understand why it is so important for them to consider, understand and respond to health and safety risks, and how they can impact the health and safety of their employees. “

In today’s complex and dynamic workplace, it’s vital that employers are not able to work with their workforce, understand their work and their lives, and develop and implement appropriate strategies to improve the health and safety of their workers.

The company approach to assessing health and safety risks has traditionally been based on the assumption that:

·         the number of workers exposed to any risk is not affected by any control measures

·         that the risk exposure itself does not affect the worker’s health or safety

·         that the effects of any known risk to a worker’s health or safety, such as a particular disease, for example, is not transferable to other workers

·         that worker exposure to the same risk is a sufficient proxy for exposure of the rest of the workforce

·         the level of risk accepted by the business is a proxy for the level to which other workers must be exposed

·         that workers are free to make choices about whether to expose themselves to the risk

·         that an employee’s health and safety is the exclusive responsibility of the business

In practice, however, these assumptions are rarely true. These assumptions are so often challenged in the workplace that when they are challenged it’s often said to be an indicator that workers’ health and safety are at risk.

If workers can challenge assumptions like this, then employers are going to need to look more carefully at how and why they are operating, how they relate to workers’ health and safety, and how well they understand the workplace they have.

The company's approach to assessing health and safety risks and managing health and safety issues to ensure that they do not have an impact on your business.

Health and Safety:

Employers must aim to minimize the risk to their staff in all aspects of work. Our Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) is designed to do this.

HSE Checklist:

We help in training employees to meet the requirements of the HSE Health and Safety checklist, which ensures that the health and safety requirements of the HSE guidelines are being followed such as,  

·         How to identify potential hazards

·         What to do about them

·         How to work safely

All employees are responsible for safety:

All employees are required to undertake basic HSE training. This includes awareness of the HSE guidelines. All employees are required to go through a formal check-list of health and safety issues at the beginning of each shift

Hazard identification:

The first step is to identify the hazard. A hazard can be defined as the process, product, or thing that could cause injury or damage and for the purpose of this section is a type of 'danger'.  All hazards must be recorded on the HSEHealth and Safety Checklist as there are some health and safety-related hazards that we can all identify, such as using hazardous substances, lifting or carrying, using machinery, etc.

What to do about them:

All hazards must be recorded on the HSE Health and Safety Checklist. If there is anything at risk, immediately report it to the store manager and the HSE Health and Safety Advisor.

As a responsible employer, you have a duty to reduce the risks to the people working for you. You are responsible for making sure your workers are safe. As a business, it’s important to be aware of the risks posed to employees by hazardous materials. You need to know what substances are considered hazardous, what steps are needed to safely store and use them, and who is responsible for ensuring these procedures are followed.

Your company must ensure that your employees and contractors are safe. A well-developed and tested policy puts your employees and contractors at no risk. If they are unable to work safely your company will suffer loss of productivity. It is essential that you protect your people from any risk to their health and safety.

Health and safety are critical for any business. It’s important to have a company-wide approach to assessing health and safety, so everyone is aware of their responsibilities and the risks.

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